Title: SDSC PM Notification – 10 Mar 2014 – Cloud, Project Storage, Allocated Systems
Update: 19:24,10 March 1024: With vendor assistance the switches have been brought online and are passive traffic as expected.
Update: 17:40, 10 March 2014: Additional debugging and investigation is occuring. Some systems and services may continue to be unavailable.
Description: SDSC is to perform a hardware upgrade on the core networking which services the high performance allocated systems, cloud storage and project storage. This upgrade will support future 100Gbps connections.
Cloud and project services will be temporarily downgraded to a 1Gbps network connection from 8am to 3pm. In order to downgrade the network to a 1Gbps connection and to restore the 10Gbps connections there will be two brief network outages, one outage at around 8am and another outage at 3pm.
Allocated systems (Trestles, Gordon and Data Oasis) and the Lustre software that supports the Data Oasis filesystems will be unavailable starting 9AM (PT) on March 9, 2014 and ending 5PM (PT) on March 10, 2014. The data mover nodes for Trestles and Gordon will also be unavailable. The Lustre upgrade will be done without impacting data already in the Data Oasis filesystems. Please take this opportunity to follow of best practices while using Data Oasis : 1) Please clean up any data that is not required any more. This helps with both space availability and performance of the filesystems, 2) The data in the filesystems is *not* backed up. Please back up any critical data offsite. For allocated systems questions, please contact help@xsede.org.
Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2014-03-10
End Time: 15:30