Title: SDSC Colocation Network Upgrades – 5 Aug and 19 Aug, 2014
Update, 17:46, 5 Aug 2014 : During the planned outage, one of the core routers developed an issue requiring a reboot. SDSC network engineers are investigating the cause and working to restore connectivity.
Description: Core Colocation Network Upgrades:
5 Aug 2014, 5-6pm : SDSC will connect the new switch hardware and verify it passes network traffic. SDSC engineers are taking steps to perform this maintenance with a minimum of outage. The changes are intended to be transparent, but there may be up to four, 15-second periods of connectivity loss.
19 Aug 2014, 5-8pm : connections on the old hardware to be moved to the new hardware. 1GbE and 10GbE connections provided by colocation switch groups will undergo spanning tree recalculations and software code upgrades with approximately 10 minutes of outage per chassis over the course of the window. Natively connected 10GbE infrastructure into the colocation Aristas will experience a multi-second outage as those connections are manually migrated.
Start Date: 2014-08-05
End Date: 2014-08-19