Title: SDSC Colocation Network Upgrades – 5 Aug and 19 Aug, 2014
Update, 21:13, 5 Aug 2014 : All systems are operational. Please contact SDSC operations for any questions or concerns
Update, 20:38, 5 Aug 2014 : Networking connectivity between VLANs internal to the SDSC network is still having problems. This may show as an ability to connect from the Internet to a system hosted at SDSC, but that system is unable to reach other nodes within the datacenter.
Update, 20:21, 5 Aug 2014 : The SDSC network is functioning in a degraded mode. The erroring router has been removed from the peering and is being inspected by vendor technical support. While the vendor support attempts to resolve the problems, there may be additional networking outages. We hope to get the full peering online tonight to minimize outages during business hours.
Update, 19:21, 5 Aug 2014 : SDSC networking engineers are in communication with router vendor. Networking connectivity between hosts continues to be sporadic.
Update, 18:36, 5 Aug 2014 : Engineers have reverted the physical and logical connections to a known working set from earlier today. They are still troubleshooting the problems.
Update, 17:46, 5 Aug 2014 : During the planned outage, one of the core routers developed an issue requiring a reboot. SDSC network engineers are investigating the cause and working to restore connectivity.
Date: 2014-08-05