Title: SDSC/UCSD Border Router Maintenance – 15:00, 14 Aug 2014
Update 17:30, 19 Aug 2014: The primary router is operational after removing some IPv6 routes. SDSC is working with the hardware vendor to upgrade and update the system to prevent similar outages in the future.
Update 07:11, 15 Aug 2014: Routes have appeared stable for several hours on the MX1 router. The hardware vendor is still investigating potential software or hardware issues. Connections to the PRISM network are down, connections to all other routes should be up.
Update 23:31, 14 Aug 2014: All routes are still via the MX1 router. There are still periodic service interruptions which are being addressed with vendor support
Update 21:05, 14 Aug 2014: Since approximately 20:00, all traffic has been diverted to the backup MX1/piranha border router. UCSD and SDSC are working with escalated vendor support to resolve the issue. The network may experience subsequent instability when failed back to MX0/dolphin. We will post here and email the colocation notification mailing list with as much warning as possible.
Update 16:39, 14 Aug 2014: SDSC Networking continues to troubleshoot the problem. Very intermittent connectivity continues.
Update 15:51, 14 Aug 2014: Networking maintenance has been performed, SDSC engineers are investigating intermittent networking issues. Logins and network connections to SDSC-hosted resources are be affected.
Description: At 15:00 on 14 August 2014, SDSC and UCSD will reconfigure the memory settings on the mx0/dolphin border router.
Connectivity to/from XSEDE and HiSeasNet may be affected. All other colocation and SDSC traffic will be unaffected.
Start Time: 15:00
Date: 2014-08-14
End Time: 15:30