Title: Emergency Java Patching – 24 June 2013, 2pm
Description: Due to the release of another patch to address High rated Java vulnerabilities, I have asked that an emergency patch be pushed out this afternoon starting at 2pm to all Windows and Linux reference desktop and laptop systems. In most cases this patch will have no effect on user sessions. In some cases, due to unique system configurations, you may receive a Java related error message asking that you reboot your system to resolve a Java related issue.
For Staff that are running on non-reference (i.e. unmanaged) systems (e.g. Apple Mac), I ask that you update your Java version. If needed, the SDSC Help Desk can assist you with this update.
Thank you for your continued patience in this matter. I again recommend that you consider disabling Java. The majority of SDSC Staff have disabled Java with little to no loss in system functionality.
The SDSC Help Desk (858)534-8334 can assist you with any Java related issues.
Thank you,
Winston Armstrong
SDSC Chief Information Security Officer
Start Time: 14:00
Date: 2013-06-24