Title: SDSC UNIX Systems – 6 Sept 2013
(update 14:37): All systems are online. We did not need to revert to older kernels. Please contact your service provider through regulra channels with any questions or concerns.
(update 13:24): Systems currently shut down : merrimac. We are trying to revert a Red Hat 5 system to a previous kernel version, going back to the configuration prior to Aug 20.
(update 11:29): Problems are still occuring. We are investigating all facets of the infrastructure and possible failures.
(update 10:24): Largest problems appear to be related to systems on Xen-based hypervisors. SDSC is still investigating potential solutions.
(update 08:42): One VM host has been rebooted and guests are currently booting. Customers have been sent directed notifications
Description: SDSC central NFS is experiencing a very high load which may cause some systems to become unresponsive as they wait for filesystem access. We are working to address the problem now.
Date: 2013-09-06