Tuesday, May 1st at 5pm, IT Services will be patching all production Red
Hat Linux Xen guests and Xen servers for regular maintenance.
Please save any work before the 5pm maintenance period. Please let me
know if you have any questions or concerns.
The follow systems will be patched and rebooted:
artemis bss-prod bss-staging bss-test bss-web buchhalter cmmap-server01
cmmap001 lindy lms-maven lms-qa lms-stage mambo rice-prod rice-staging
rice-test springboard tango web-cybernmr iguassu-guest1 iguassu-guest2
iguassu-guest3 billiards hermes lewis marvin merrimac mmr-prod watson
zerion buster mmr-qa mmr-test zend-tester isafe-app isafe-db capac
gargamel scruple